Some things I learnt upgrading to NextJS 13 - pages to app what can possibly go wrong?

Some things I learnt upgrading to NextJS 13 - pages to app what can possibly go wrong?

Upgrading to NextJS 13


23 min read

I have a side project closed source in early stage development, it has been running nicely on NextJS 12 but as things go, there is a new shiny version so naturally I wanted to use that!

The following are some of my learning's migrating from old to new with NextJS framework, also included, is a collection of resources used a long the way.

I am generally not a great technical writer, I always end up with the TLDR; version, so I apologize for that now. Writing is something I am actively trying to improving on as a software engineer, hence this is why I am starting a blog, thanks hashnode!

This is a hindsight reflection on how things went down, so please ask any questions as I have surely left things out on my path to upgrade.

Jargon translation - words, acronyms

  • TLDR = too long don't read
  • Programming language = They are a kind of computer language
  • Library = A collection of pre-written code
  • Framework = abstraction which can provide generic functionality
  • Javascript = ¿programming language?
  • React = Javascript Library
  • NextJS = react framework
  • Closed Source = not available for public use
  • Client-side = refers to operations that are performed by the client(essentially the web browser)
  • Server-side = refers to operations that are performed by the server, (a different computer to the one you are using the app on)
  • UI = user interface (the stuff you look at, aka the most important part of the app)
  • Web app = an application that runs inside your web browser aka: app
  • Software engineer = Someone who writes gibberish across a computer screen all day, and then analyses why what has been written is not yet as good as it could be
  • Stack trace = A list of things the application was doing when an Exception(error) happened
  • Component = An independent and reusable bit of code
  • Use client = An instruction for when building the app that explains that this component should be used Client side
  • Leaf = is a reference to the location of a leaf on a tree, usually being the most outer part of the tree, in reference to this app the trunk of the tree is everything inside the app folder.


  1. NextJS 13 blog
  2. [Feedback] App Directory in Next.js 13
  3. Your Next.js 13 upgrade guide
  4. Routing
  5. Layout component
  6. Data fetching
  7. How to Build a Fullstack App with Next.js, Prisma, and PostgreSQL
  8. Getting started with Next.js, TypeScript, and Stripe Checkout


How it started How its going
Screenshot 2022-11-13 at 10.26.37 am.png Screenshot 2022-11-13 at 10.28.04 am.png

Nothing outrageous there, no refactoring... I know you all want to see what is in the app folder, so here it is.

The app folder

Screenshot 2022-11-13 at 10.37.03 am.png

Learning's so far, potential points of interest

  • I only have one layout.tsx (server-side), this is because I have a PageTemplate component that handles some general styling throughout my app. This could change as I get more familiar with layout.tsx components. check out the code section below to see what *PageTemplate looks like.
  // single flex col with marginX
  return (
        <Title headerType="h1Title" title="Add a your Details" />

        <AddDetailsForm />
  // tripple flex col
  return (
          [<div className="text-black">left content</div>]
          [<div className="text-black">right content</div>]
          title="Update a your Profile"

        <UpdateProfileForm />
  • I only use one error.tsx(client-side), this is because previously I used a pretty standard errorBoundary component, it handles all major UI failures, this code now lives inside error.tsx. As I get more comfortable with error.tsx and needing better stack trace I am sure this will change.
  • All Pages except the list/page.tsx are client-side, I will need to move the 'use client' to the leaf components as I continue work on this app, this will help lift the performance of the site, and better inform the developer where client-side interactive components live.
  • For now I have offloaded payment responsibility to stripe for payment through url, the pages/api, handles that redirect
  • Next auth is handled through pages/api also, essentially following the above resource How to Build a Fullstack App with Next.js, Prisma, and PostgreSQL with some tweaking here and there.
  • Prisma client and usage, essentially followed the above recourse How to Build a Fullstack App with Next.js, Prisma, and PostgreSQL with some tweaking here and there
  • tailwindcss I didn't notice any changes for adding tailwindcss to the project.

Pros & Cons of upgrade


  • Having a constant reminder to write code that is composition over abstraction, the reminder is the new folder/file convention.
  • Requesting data where it is needed in a simple way and now only one way.
  • Flexibility to implement different patterns for folder/file management outside of app folder per team or application requirements.
  • New and easier way to add fonts to the project
  • Remove <head> node noise from page, it now lives in layout.tsx
  • Better developer experience
    • Reduced code abstraction
    • Reduced need for context providers
    • Reduced duplication of tailwindcss utility styling throughout app
    • Better Image component implementation
    • Overall better developer experience
    • Single focus when working on UI, API, App composition, related to developer experience
    • No more custom server stuff, this was always possible, but it just feel more permanent now, your head space is either with in app/components or api/prisma


  • pages/api I was very ready to get rid of pages folder, I never really liked it. I think api folder can be a first class citizen just like app.
  • Learning curve of server side and client side working in tandem, not specific to NextJS, just my limited knowledge so far.
  • Have to update all Link components to no longer contain <a> elements, or use a legacy version of Link.

Code snippets

I have added some code snippets to reference, hopefully adding some context to all the words above.


  import React, { ReactNode } from 'react'
  import { Iceland } from '@next/font/google'
  import CustomContextMenu from '../components/contextMenu'
  import BootstrapContext from '../context/bootstrapContext'
  import Footer from '../components/common/footer'

  import '../styles/globals.css'

  const iceland = Iceland({
    weight: '400',
    style: 'normal',
    subsets: ['latin'],

  export default function RootLayout({ children }: { children: ReactNode }) {
    return (
      <html lang="en" dir="ltr" className={iceland.className}>
          <title>The Shop</title>
          <meta name="description" content="buy and sell merchandise online" />
          <link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" />

          <link rel="manifest" href="/site.webmanifest" />
          <link rel="home" href="/" />

          <link rel="canonical" href="https://www..." />
          <link rel="manifest" href="/site.webmanifest" />
          <link rel="mask-icon" href="/safari-pinned-tab.svg" color="#5bbad5" />
          <link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" />
        <body className="font-theme">
          <Footer />
          <CustomContextMenu />


  import React, {
  } from 'react'
  // NOTE:: PageContent just provides "padding: 1rem"
  import PageContent from '../common/pageContent'

  type PageTemplateProps = {
    children: ReactNode | ReactNode[]
    fixedLeftContent?: ReactNode | ReactNode[]
    fixedRightContent?: ReactNode | ReactNode[]
  // TODO:: maybe update hiding showing side columns based on count remove css.
  const PageTemplate: FC<PageTemplateProps> = (props: PageTemplateProps) => {
    const { children, fixedLeftContent, fixedRightContent } = props

    const fixedSideContentWidth =
      fixedRightContent && fixedLeftContent
        ? 'w-fixed lg:w-1/4 md:w-1/4 w-full flex-shrink flex-grow-0'
        : 'w-fixed lg:w-1/2 md:w-1/2 w-full flex-shrink flex-grow-0'

    return (
        <div className="w-full flex flex-col sm:flex-row flex-wrap sm:flex-nowrap pb-4 flex-grow">
              !fixedLeftContent || Children.count(fixedLeftContent) === 0
                ? 'hidden'
                : fixedSideContentWidth
            <div className="sticky w-full h-full justify-center text-center items-center">
                {Children.count(fixedLeftContent) > 0
                  ?, (child: ReactElement) =>
                  : null}
          <main role="main" className="w-auto flex-grow">
              {Children.count(children) === 1
                ? children
                :, (child: ReactElement) =>
              !fixedRightContent || Children.count(fixedRightContent) === 0
                ? 'hidden'
                : fixedSideContentWidth
            <div className="flex sm:flex-col justify-center text-center items-center">
                {Children.count(fixedRightContent) > 0
                  ?, (child: ReactElement) =>
                  : null}

  PageTemplate.defaultProps = {
    fixedLeftContent: undefined,
    fixedRightContent: undefined,

  export default PageTemplate


  'use client'
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
import Link from 'next/link'

interface ErrorBoundaryProps {
  error: Error
  reset: () => void

interface Error {
  message: string

const __DEV__: boolean =
  !process.env.NODE_ENV || process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'

function AppErrorBoundary({ error, reset }: ErrorBoundaryProps) {
  const [hasError, setHasError] = useState<boolean>(false)

  useEffect(() => {
    if (error) {
      // Log the error to an error reporting service
  }, [error])

  return (
    <div className="flex items-center justify-center w-screen h-screen bg-gradient-to-r from-indigo-600 to-blue-400">
      <div className="px-40 py-20 bg-white rounded-md shadow-xl">
        <div className="flex flex-col items-center">
          <h1 className="font-bold text-blue-600 text-9xl capitalize">Error</h1>
          <h6 className="mb-2 text-2xl font-bold text-center text-gray-800 md:text-3xl">
            <span className="text-red-500">Oops! </span>
            This wasn&apos;t meant to happen! 😫😢
          <p className="mb-8 text-center text-gray-500 md:text-lg">
            Sorry for any inconvenience. If you&apos;re seeing this often,
            <Link href="/">contact us</Link>
            className="px-6 py-2 text-sm font-semibold text-blue-800 bg-blue-100"
            Take me home
          {__DEV__ && (
            <button onClick={() => reset()}>Reset error boundary</button>

export default AppErrorBoundary


  import prisma from '../../../../lib/prisma'
  import { MerchandiseApi } from '../../../../pages/api/merchandiseApi'
  import { formatDate } from '../../../../utils/helpers/commonFunctions'
  import CardGrid from '../../../../components/cardGrid'
  import Title from '../../../../components/common/title'
  import SearchBanner from '../../../../components/searchBanner'
  import PageTemplate from '../../../../components/pageTemplate'

  async function getData() {
    const data = await prisma.merchandise.findMany({
      include: {
        seller: { include: { user: true } },
        shop: true,
        item: true,
        itemImages: { include: { image: true } },

    const merchandise: MerchandiseApi = {
      merchandise: => {
        return {
          creationDate: formatDate(item.creationDate, 'readableShortDate'),
    return merchandise

  export default async function PropertiesPage() {
    const data = await getData()

    return (
          width="w-full mx-auto transition-width transition-slowest ease"
          fixedLeftContent={[<div className="text-black">left content</div>]}
          fixedRightContent={[<div className="text-black">right content</div>]}
            title="Merchandise result page"

          <CardGrid data={data.merchandise} />



  import { Stripe, loadStripe } from '@stripe/stripe-js'

  let stripePromise: Promise<Stripe | null>
  const getStripe = () => {
    if (!stripePromise) {
      stripePromise = loadStripe(process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY!)
    return stripePromise

  export default getStripe
  'use client'
  import { useEffect } from 'react'
  import { loadStripe } from '@stripe/stripe-js'
  import { usePathname } from 'next/navigation'
  import { PrimaryButton } from '../common/button'

  // Make sure to call `loadStripe` outside of a component’s render to avoid
  // recreating the `Stripe` object on every render.
  const stripePromise = loadStripe(process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY)

  const StripPaymentButton = () => {
    useEffect(() => {
      // Check to see if this is a redirect back from Checkout
      const query = new URLSearchParams(
      if (query.get('success')) {
        console.log('Order placed! You will receive an email confirmation.')

      if (query.get('canceled')) {
          'Order canceled -- continue to shop around and checkout when you’re ready.',
    }, [])

    const pathname = usePathname()
      '🚀 ~ file: index.tsx ~ line 21 ~ StripPaymentButton ~ pathname',

    return (
        className="relative w-full"
          width="lg:w-max md:w-max w-full"
          containerClassName="absolute lg:right-2 right-0 lg:-top-64 md:-top-56 -top-24 lg:w-auto md:w-auto w-full"

  export default StripPaymentButton


  import { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next'
  import Stripe from 'stripe'

  const stripe = new Stripe(process.env.STRIPE_SECRET_KEY!, {
    apiVersion: '2022-08-01',

  const stripeHandler = async (
    req: NextApiRequest,
    res: NextApiResponse,
  ): Promise<void> => {
    if (req.method === 'POST') {
      try {
        // Create Checkout Sessions from body params.
        const session = await stripe.checkout.sessions.create({
          submit_type: 'pay',
          payment_method_types: ['card'],
          line_items: [
              // Provide the exact Price ID (for example, pr_1234) of the product you want to sell
              price: 'YOUR_PRICE_CODE_FOR_THIS_ITEM,
              quantity: 1,
          mode: 'payment',
          success_url: `${req.headers.origin}/?success=true`,
          cancel_url: `${req.headers.origin}/?canceled=true`,
          automatic_tax: { enabled: true },
        res.redirect(303, session.url)
      } catch (err) {
        res.status(err.statusCode || 500).json(err.message)
    } else {
      // TODO:: do i need 'OPTIONS' here also?
      res.setHeader('Allow', 'POST')
      res.status(405).end('Method Not Allowed')

  export default stripeHandler


  const handleNavToListMyProperty = useCallback(
    (event: MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => {
      router.push(!session ? '/api/auth/signin' : '/create-user')
  import { NextApiHandler } from 'next'
  import NextAuth from 'next-auth'
  import { PrismaAdapter } from '@next-auth/prisma-adapter'
  import GitHubProvider from 'next-auth/providers/github'
  import prisma from '../../../lib/prisma'

  const authHandler: NextApiHandler = (req, res) => NextAuth(req, res, options)
  export default authHandler

  const options = {
    providers: [
        clientId: process.env.GITHUB_ID,
        clientSecret: process.env.GITHUB_SECRET,
    adapter: PrismaAdapter(prisma),
    secret: process.env.SECRET,


  import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'

  let prisma: PrismaClient

  if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
    prisma = new PrismaClient()
  } else {
    if (!global.prisma) {
      global.prisma = new PrismaClient()
    prisma = global.prisma

  export default prisma

client-side api POST example: pages/api/add-new-item

  const newItem = await fetcher(
  export const fetcher = async <T>(
    endpointUrl: string,
    payload?: T | Record<string, string> | string,
    method = 'GET',
  ): Promise<T> => {
    const response = await fetch(endpointUrl, {
      headers: {
        'content-type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',
      body: JSON.stringify(payload),

    const responseData = await response.json()

    if (response.ok) {
      if (responseData) {
        return responseData
      } else {
        return Promise.reject(new Error())
    } else {
      const error = new Error(
        responseData.errors?.map((e: Error) => e.message).join('\n') ?? 'unknown',
      return Promise.reject(error)
  import { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next'
  import prisma from '../../../lib/prisma'
  import { ItemDetails } from '../itemDetails'

  const itemDetailsHandler = async (
    req: NextApiRequest,
    res: NextApiResponse,
  ): Promise<void> => {
    const {
      // query,
    } = req

    switch (method) {
      case 'POST':
        const newData: ItemDetails = {

        try {
          const data = await prisma.item.create({
            data: {
              sometablecolumn: newData.value

          const newItem: ItemDetails = data

          return res.status(200).json(newItem)

          // return res.send(payload);
        } catch (error: any) {
          // TODO:: dispatch error to redux here maybe?
          // throw error for errorWrapper to handle?
          // send to some error logging service?
          throw error

        res.setHeader('Allow', ['OPTIONS'])
        res.status(405).end(`Method ${method} Not Allowed`)

  export default itemDetailsHandler


  /* TODO:: import any custom fonts here */

  /* import/add tailwind styles to project */
  @import "tailwindcss/base";
  @import "./custom-base.css";

  @import "tailwindcss/components";
  @import "./custom-components.css";

  /* import any npm dependency styles here under "tailwindcss/components" to make sure they are added as "custom" styling */
  @import "tailwindcss/utilities";
  /* @import "custom-utilities.css"; */
/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */

module.exports = {
  content: [
  presets: [],
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    extend: {
      opacity: ['disabled'],
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      zIndex: {
        '-1': '-1',
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        0: '0%',
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        loader: 'loader 0.6s infinite alternate',
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        loader: {
          from: {
            opacity: 1,
            transform: 'translate3d(0, -1rem, 0)',
          to: {
            opacity: 0.1,
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      inherit: colors.inherit,
      current: colors.current,
      transparent: colors.transparent,
      white: colors.white,
      slate: colors.slate,
      gray: colors.gray,
      zinc: colors.zinc,
      neutral: colors.neutral,
      stone: colors.stone,
      amber: colors.amber,
      yellow: colors.yellow,
      lime: colors.lime,
      emerald: colors.emerald,
      teal: colors.teal,
      cyan: colors.cyan,
      indigo: colors.indigo,
      violet: colors.violet,
      purple: colors.purple,
      fuchsia: colors.fuchsia,
      rose: colors.rose,

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